Details of Rice Varieties : Page 3
 These are the rice varieties along with their salient features across the states in India -


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SLName of VarietyParentageYear of
(in days)
Eco-SystemSalient FeaturesRecommended for Cultivation
IR-8 x W.12631982115-120Coastal
Dwarf (80-85 cm), grains: long bold, white, resistant to GM and susceptible to blast, Yield: 32 Q/ha.Karnataka.
100.VLK Dhan-39China-1039 x IR-580-19-2-
1982115-120Hill Rice IrrigatedSemi dwarf (105-110 cm), grains: medium long, white, Yield: 20 Q/ha.Uttar Pradesh.
Pure line selection from Kalakhersail1982230-240Water Logged AreasVery tall (150-400 cm), grains: bold, brown, Yield: 20 Q/ha.West Bengal.
A mutant of IR-81982105-110 (Kharif)
145-150 (Boro)
UplandDwarf (85 cm), grains: long bold, moderately resistant to blast, BS, TV and BB, Yield: 50-70 Q/ha.West Bengal.
Pure line selection from Baku1982210-230Deep Water AreasTall (150-400 cm), grains: long bold, red, Yield: 20 Q/ha.West Bengal.
IR-8 x Tadukan x TKM-62 x T(N)1 x IR-243 x Oryza Nivara-4 x IR-8 x PTB-21 & PTB-181982112-115Irrigated, Rainfed Upland or LowlandDwarf (80-90 cm), grains: LS, AWA, white, moderately resistant to blast, BS, RTV, GSV and BLS, resistant to GL & BPH, moderately resistant to GM, SB and BLB, Helminthosporium, Yield: 40-55 Q/ha.Orissa, West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Uttar Pradesh and Kerala.
Phouren x IR 661-1-140-3-21982133Irrigated Rainfed LowlandsSemi dwarf (100 cm), grains: LS, moderately resistant to blast, GM & SB, Yield: 65 Q/ha.Manipur.
Phouren x IR 661-1-140-3-21982135Irrigated Rainfed LowlandsSemi dwarf (100 cm), grains: LS, fine, moderately resistant to blast, GM & SB, Yield: 75 Q/ha.Manipur.
107.Himalaya-1IR-8 x Tadukan1983NALow Medium and Higher HillsSemi dwarf, grains: LS, fine, resistant to blast, SB and RH, moderately susceptible to Glume Blotch & BS, Yield: 38 Q/ha.Himachal Pradesh.
108.Himalaya-2Sabarmati x Ratna1983NALow and Mid HillsSemi dwarf, grains: long bold, scented, resistant to blast, SB & RH, susceptible to Glume Blotch & BS, Yield: 35 Q/ha.Himachal Pradesh.
109.Rajendra Dhan-201IR-8 x Tadukan1983130-135Medium LandDwarf (85-90 cm), grains: MS, white, moderately resistant to BLB, RTV & GLH, Yield: 40-45 Q/ha.Bihar.
110.Rajendra Dhan-202IR-8 x W-12511983125-130Irrigated MediumSemi dwarf (90-95 cm), grains: long bold, white, resistant to GM, Yield: 40-50 Q/ha.Bihar.
TKM-6 x IR-81983115-130Irrigated EarlySemi dwarf (95-110 cm), grains: MS, white, tolerant to Helminthosporium & SB, Yield: 78 Q/ha.All India.
NSJ-200 x Padma198370Rainfed UplandDwarf (65-70 cm), grains: short bold, AWP, white, being early it often escapes diseases and pests, Yield: 20 Q/ha.Orissa and West Bengal.
Pankaj x Jagannath1983150-155Rainfed Shallow LandSemi-dwarf (110-120 cm), grains: short bold, good milling recovery, tolerant to blast & Sh.B, Yield: 38 Q/ha.Orissa and Tamil Nadu.
114.BK-190R-14 x IR-81983145-150Irrigated MediumSemi-dwarf (110 cm), grains: short bold, AWP & white, Yield: 70 Q/ha.Rajasthan.
IR-20 x IR-24198395-110Rainfed EarlyDwarf (90 cm), grains: LS, AWA, white, resistant to BLB, LB & BLS, Yield: 35-50 Q/ha.Uttar Pradesh.
116.Dhan Narendra-1 (IET-2232)Bella Patna x IR-81983105Irrigated or RainfedDwarf (65 cm), grains: short bold, resistant to several pests & diseases, Yield: 35-45 Q/ha.Uttar Pradesh.
CR-44-35 x JR2-231198390Upland, Light SoilDwarf (85-90 cm), grains: LS, Yield: 30 Q/ha.Madhya Pradesh.
Jaya x S.3171984135Irrigated EarlyGrains: MS, Yield: 50-60 Q/ha.Karnataka.
119.Paiyur-1IR-1721-14 x IR-1330-3-3-21984140-145Saline SoilsSemi dwarf (110-120 cm), grains: MS, white and tolerant to Helminthosporium, SB, WM & blast, Yield: 55-60 Q/ha.Tamil Nadu.
Dasal x IR-201984135-140Rainfed Shallow LandsDwarf (85-90 cm), grains: short bold, white, AWA, moderately resistant to BS, LB, tolerance to GLH, Yield: 55-60 Q/ha.Tamil Nadu.
121.GR-4Z-31 x IR-8-2461984110-115Low LandsSemi Dwarf (100-105 cm), white, susceptible to blast and BLB, moderately resistant to SB & RS, Yield: 46 Q/ha.Gujrat.
Sona x RPW-6-131984125-130
Medium Land/ Alluvial Coastal SoilsDwarf (85-90 cm), grains: LS, moderately resistant to BS & Blast, Yield: 45 Q/ha.West Bengal.
BU-1 x CR-1151984115-120
Irrigated EarlyDwarf (82-90 cm), grains: LS, moderately resistant to blast & BS, Yield: 45 Q/ha.West Bengal.
An introduction from USA1984125-140Hills of High AltitudeTall (120-125 cm), grains: long bold, moderately resistant to blast, BLB & SB, moderately tolerant to cold, Yield: 35-40 Q/ha.West Bengal.
A mutant1984165-170Rainfed Low-LandsTall (130-145 cm), grains: long bold, white, moderately resistant to Helminthosporium, Yield: 50 Q/ha.West Bengal.
IR-262 x Khao Nahng Muey-II1984155-160Rainfed Low-LandsTall (120-125 cm), grains: LS, moderately resistant to blast & BLB, Yield: 45 Q/ha.West Bengal.
Jaya x Mahsuri1984140-145Medium and Shallow LandsTall (120-135 cm), grains: MS, white, high head recovery, moderately resistant to blast, BLB, SB & GLH, Yield: 35-40 Q/ha.Bihar.
128.Punjab Basmati-1Sona x Basmati-3701984150-155ScentedMedium tall, spikelet awned, grains: LS with aroma, tolerant to Sh.B, Yield: 40 Q/ha.Punjab.
129.PR-4141(IR-8 x BJ-1) x IR-221984140-145Irrigated MediumSemi dwarf (95-100 cm), grains: LS, resistant to BLB &  Sh.RPunjab.
130.MO-5IR-11-1-66 x Kochuvithu1984115-120Irrigated MediumGrains: MB, moderately resistant to blast, Sh.B, BPH, SB & LT, Yield: 63 Q/ha.Kerala.
131.KMP-1 (Mandyavan)
CR-1014 x IR-81984120-125Irrigated MediumSemi dwarf, grains: super fine, tolerant to blast and BPH, Yield: 55-60 Q/ha.Karnataka.
132.JankiPure line selection from Chenab Rice1985155-160Rainfed Low-LandTall, lodging tendency, grains: long bold, moderately resistant to RTV & BPH, Yield: 15-20 Q/ha.Bihar.
RP-31-49-2 x Leb Muey Nahng1985150-160Rainfed Shallow LandSemi dwarf (105-110 cm), grains: short bold, white, resistant to blast, moderately resistant to BLB, RTV, Sh.B, GLH and BPH.Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal.
Kumar x CR-57-491985NAIrrigated MediumDwarf (73 cm), moderately resistant to blast and SB, resistant to GM, BPH, GLH & Helminthosporium.Orissa.
Kumar x CR-57-491985120-125Irrigated MediumDwarf (70 cm), moderately resistant to blast, SB and BLB, resistant to GM, BPH, GH & Helminthosporium, Yield: 40 Q/ha.Orissa.
136.Utkal Prava
Waikoku x CR-10141985160Semi Deep WaterTall, grains: MS, susceptible to BS, Yield: 35-40 Q/ha.Orissa.
TKM-6 x T(N)1198595-115High and Medium LandsDwarf (85 cm), grains: MS, moderately resistant to SB, GLH, Blast, BLB & Helminthosporium, Yield: 30-40 Q/ha.Orissa.
Kumar x Jagannath198595-110Rainfed UplandShort statured, grains: MS, moderately resistant to GLH, blast and BLB, Yield: 30-40 Q/ha.Orissa.
Rajeshwari x T-1411985NAMedium Low LandGrains: MS, moderately resistant to GLH, blast and Helminthosporium.Orissa.
IR-8 x SLO-131985140Early SowingSemi dwarf, grains: long bold, moderately tolerant to BPH & blast, Yield: 60 Q/ha.Andhra Pradesh.
141.SugandhaPure line selection from Basmati Rice1985NAIrrigated Medium to Low LandsTall (130-140 cm), grains: MS with aroma, white, moderately resistant to BLB and Pest complex.Bihar.
(Pant Dhan-4)
IR-262 (Peta) x T(N)1 x Ramadja1985126Irrigated MediumSemi Dwarf (115-120 cm), grains: LS, resistant to BLB, LB & BS, moderately resistant to pest complex, Yield: 35-40 Q/ha.Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.
IR-20 x IR-5-114-31985140-145Rainfed Shallow LandSemi dwarf (115-120 cm), grains: MS, white, moderately resistant to Sh.R, RTV, SB & GLH, Yield: 35-40 Q/ha.Bihar.
144.BR-34Pure line selection from Dolangi Rice1985NARainfedTall (130-140 cm), grains: MS, dirty white, moderately resistant to BB & SB, tolerant to drought, Yield: 25-30 Q/ha.Bihar.
(Kalinga III)
AC-540 x Ratna198575Rainfed UplandSemi dwarf, grains: MS, susceptible to blast under heavy N-application, Yield: 25-30 Q/ha.Orissa.
146.Sathi-34-36Selection from local material198595-100RainfedTall (130-150), grains: very coarse, lodging tendency, dull white, tolerant to pests and diseases.Gujrat.
147.USAR-1Jaya x Gatu1985128-135Saline Alkaline AreasDwarf (80-90 cm), grains: short bold, AWP, resistant to BLB & BLS, moderately resistant to insect and pests, Yield: 40-45 Q/ha.Uttar Pradesh.

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