Rice in India : A Status Paper

Rice in India - A Status Paper was first published by the Directorate of Rice Development, Patna during May'2002. The objective of this publication is to organize the scattered pieces of information and also to deal with the recent development of hybrid rice cultivation and utilization of by-products of rice mills. Emphasis has also been placed on extraction of rice bran oil for edible purposes. Rice bran oil can contribute significantly to the national production of edible oil. In fact, considerable quantity of rice bran is available at present in the country that can be used for extraction of oil.

Rice production in India has increased during the last 51 years by nearly 441% or 4.4 times from 20.58 million tonnes in 1950 to nearly 91.05 million tonnes during 2001-02. The status paper is expected to serve as a reference document for agricultural scientists and workers, planners, traders, govt. organizations and other related departments.

Rice Production during 5 Year Plans  

Compiled Contents  

Use the following links to browse through the Status Paper on Rice in India.

1. Introduction 10. Rice Productivity Analysis
2. Origin and History 11. Post Harvesting Operations
3. Climatic Conditions 12. Utilization of By-Products of Rice Milling Industries
4. Rice Soils of India 13. Minimum Support Price
5. Rice Growing Seasons 14. Export of Rice From India
6. Rice Growing Regions 15. History and Concept of Hybrid Rice
7. Rice Eco-Systems 16. Rice Development Programmes
8. Cropping Pattern 17. Problems/Constraints in Rice Production
9. Methods of Cultivation of Rice 18. Strategies to Step-Up Rice Productivity

1. State-wise area of Rice during 1999-2000 
2. Sowing and Harvesting periods of Rice in major rice growing States 
3. Percentage of  Area Under Each Crop to Total Cropped Area
4. Recommended Fertilizer Dose of Rice in Major Rice Growing States 
5. Area, Production and Productivity of Rice of five productivity groups of Districts during Triennium ending 2000-2001
6. State-wise number of districts based on productivity level during Triennium
ending 2000-2001
7. Percentage Share of Export of Rice
8. Hybrid Rice Varieties Released in India
9. State-wise Rice varieties popularized in different ecological conditions under central sector Rice Seed Mini-Kit Demonstration Programme during IX Plan Period (1997-2002)